FLOSSIE: We celebrate her birthday in August each year, because we had her from a cat's rescue home during late summer 19 years ago. She's learnt a thing or two - such as how to cross the road. We believe her to be the only cat in Alton practicing the 'Green Cross Code'. She can often be seen looking left, right and left again before venturing across the road to visit "Auntie Carol" who lives opposite us.
Auntie Carol gives her really tasty morsels -fresh salmon was on the menu a little while ago. But horror of horrors - Auntie carol has just had a puppy! The little pooch is named 'Gizmo' and Flossie is not too keen. Will she brave the slathering beast for fancy food? We'll let you know.
SMUDGE: Another foundling we took in during the winter of 2007/2008. Black and white like Flossie but there the similarity ends. He's a bruiser and no mistake. An eating machine who's overtaken his big 'sister' in size. Mind you he has a healthy respect for her. She regularly puts him in his place if he oversteps the mark and dares to tap her tail with his paw or sidles just that bit too close to her. But he watches and learns. We think he's got the idea of checking out the traffic.
He's certainly very frightened of extra loud vehicles. The road sweeper came by a couple of days ago and Smudge ran for cover behind the dustbins. Later a helicopter flew over and he dived under the wheelbarrow so as not to be seen! Whatever will he get up to next!